Building Rehabilitation Company Database Search Engine

"Important Notes" of "Building Rehabilitation Company Registration Scheme" (BRCRS) and "Building Rehabilitation Company Database" (Database):

  1. Please watch the whole video of "Important Notes" every time before using the Database. Users must agree and accept the terms of "Important Notes" in order to start using the Database.
  2. The database is intended to provide users with general information about the operators (the service providers mentioned in BRCRS) for building rehabilitation services in a convenient way. The operators listed in the Database are not recommended list or approved list of the Hong Kong Building Rehabilitation Facilitation Services Limited ("HKBRFSL").
  3. For implementation of BRCRS, sample check for the selected operators will be carried out regularly to assess whether the operators registered in the Database have a management systems for performing building rehabilitation works, but will not assess the quality of their works or services.
  4. For the sample check mentioned in Paragraph 3 above, it includes the appointment by HKBRFSL of an independent assessor with relevant qualifications to assess one of the completed projects of the operators by sampling, and the information obtained from the assessment will be included in the database accordingly.
  5. The information in the Database is provided by the operator. HKBRFSL will carry out sample check for the information provided by the selected operators but users are advised to obtain the latest information directly from the relevant operators.
  6. Users should verify the information contained in the Database and obtained through the database by themselves, and seek independent professional advice if necessary. In any circumstances, any information in the Database is not a recommendation or opinion of HKBRFSL (whether legal or other, and whether general or specific), or is used to replace professional advice.
  7. The use of personal data contained in the Database must comply with the "Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance" (Cap. 486). Any inappropriate use of personal data may constitute a violation of the "Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance".
  8. HKBRFSL may delete or change any information in the Database from time to time, or include other information to the Database. HKBRFSL can also suspend or close the Database without any explanation or prior notice.


  1. Although HKBRFSL is committed to ensuring that the information in the Database is accurate, HKBRFSL cannot assume any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or misstatements or misrepresentation (whether express or implied) in the information, and will not take any responsibility for the information, make any (whether express or implied) guarantees, representations and statements regarding the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, and suitability of a particular purpose.
  2. With regard to the information of the operators contained in the Database, or the loss or damage caused by or related to the use of such information or it is unusable (including corresponding, indirect, incidental and special loss or damage), HKBRFSL does not bear any responsibility under any circumstances to any person (including any individual, an owner’s corporation or non-corporation group).