About the Scheme
- The planning and execution of building rehabilitation often involves the appointment of various service providers (e.g. Prescribed Building Professionals / Prescribed Registered Contractor / other relevant professionals) to ensure compliance with legal requirement and the provision of required services. Based on URA’s previous experience in building rehabilitation, a quality service provider is largely conducive to a building rehabilitation project with systematic and effective planning and implementation. Unfortunately, building owners/OCs often relayed that some of the existing service providers varied greatly in terms of service quality or quality of works carried out. The source of information or reference materials available in the market are often incomprehensive, as a result building owners/OCs often encounter difficulties in identifying the appropriate service providers.
In view of the above, the Building Rehabilitation Platform (“the Platform”) has launched the Building Rehabilitation Company Registration Scheme (“BRCRS”) with the following objectives:
- To establish a one-stop information platform which building owners can use to search for service providers;
- To assess service providers’ project management mechanisms and systems for performing building rehabilitation works;
- To encourage service providers to keep improving their services; and
- To promote the standard of good practice to service providers.
BRCRS will accept application from service providers under the following categories:
- Authorized Persons;
- Registered Inspectors;
- Registered General Building Contractors;
- Registered Minor Works Contractors (Class I) ; and
- Registered Fire Service Installation Contractors (Class 1 or 2).
Application period
The official application for all categories is open all year-round.
Assessment procedures
- Applicants shall submit applications through the On-line Application System, upload the required supporting documents, and pay the application fee after the confirmation of initial checking is received;
- On-site assessment will be arranged within 2 months after the settlement of application fee by applicant is confirmed;
- For details, please refer to item 4.3 of the Scheme Handbook- assessment of BRCRS core requirements;
- After the completion of the assessment, the applicant will receive the assessment report with the percentage of scores obtained;
- The registration panel meeting will be conducted in every 3-6 months on need basis, additional panel meetings will be held depending on the actual number of applications received;
- The tentative schedule for the coming registration panel meetings within 12th months are as follows:
The tentative schedule for the coming registration panel meetings within 12th months February 2025 Registration panel meeting (For AP/RI) March 2025 Registration panel meeting (For RMWC/RFSIC) May 2025 Registration panel meeting (For RGBC/RMWC/RFSIC) August 2025 Registration panel meeting (For AP/RI) November 2025 Registration panel meeting (For RGBC/RMWC/RFSIC) - Applicant is required to complete the on-site assessment at least 2 months before the registration panel meeting.
Application fee
The BRCRS is a fee-based scheme with a view to recovering the operation costs. The building rehabilitation platform will offer a special rate to the service provider who are interested in applying for this scheme to conduct an assessment. Details of the application fee are as follows:
Application fee table NameHKD
(HK$)Remarks Special rate for the 1st assessment
(during formal application period)3,750 A one-time special rate will be provided for 1st time assessment application within 24 months from the formal application period.Special rate for AP, RI and RGBC ended.24 months from the formal application period for RMWC: From 1 October 2024 to 30 September 202624 months from the formal application period for RFSIC: From 1 October 2024 to 30 September 2026Application fee
(during formal application period)7,500 Applicable to AP, RI and RGBC Application fee for each assessment afterward
(during formal application period)7,500 -
Points to note:
- The application fee paid for the formal application will not be refunded under any circumstances.
- The applicant is required to pay an extra charge of 25% of the application fee to change a confirmed on-site assessment schedule if the request from the applicant is received in less than four (4) weeks prior to the day of the confirmed on-site assessment.
- The applicant is required to pay an extra charge of 50% of the application fee to change a confirmed on-site assessment schedule if the request from the applicant is received in less than two (2) weeks prior to the day of the confirmed on-site assessment.
- The applicant is required to pay for the original application fee ($7,500) to change a confirmed on-site assessment schedule if the request from the applicant is received on or after the day of the confirmed on-site assessment.
- The Platform reserves the right to modify the Scheme requirements and other details of the BRCRS without prior notice.
- These application notes do not constitute any promise or guarantee of the Platform to the applicants. The points mentioned above are not the whole part of the scheme. Applicants should refer to the Scheme Handbook, Terms and Conditions documents for reference.
- Any offering of bribes or similar considerations to the assessor or scheme related parties will be reported to Independent Commission Against Corruption (“ICAC”) and will result in rejection of application or withdrawal of registration.
BRCRS hotline
For any queries about BRCRS, please call the BRCRS hotline at 2202-9327 (Mr. Chan) or 2202-9360 (Ms. Lee) during office hours (9:00am-6:00pm from Monday to Friday). For technical support of the online application system, please call 2588-2322/2588-2680 during office hours (9:00am-6:00pm from Monday to Friday).